Acacia is a men’s college fraternity founded on May 12, 1904, at the University of Michigan. With dozens of chapters across North America, over 50,000 men have joined our ranks in pursuit of Virtue, Knowledge & Truth.

Personal Growth
Human Service
Human Service. It is more than just Acacia’s core motto; it is something that our members put into practice in with service and philanthropy. From hundreds of hours spent in the community to thousands of dollars raised for noble causes, Acacians find great significance and enjoyment in serving others.
Life-long Friendships
The connections and networks of Acacia extend throughout life. The friendships formed through Acacia lead to intergenerational and dynamic opportunities in all facts of family, business and social sectors.
Acacia excels thanks to your investments. Stay in touch with us and see the positive affect your support.
Interested in joining Acacia?
Do you know someone that is a good fit for Acacia? Recommend him here! Acacia is not the oldest, largest or most widely known of college fraternities, but our origin is distinctive, and our record distinguished.
Acacia Founded
Established at Kansas State University
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